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The Spanish ́s Hub aims to train its stakeholders in the use of open data as a business
reinforcement method. In summary, this hub looks for new applications to emerge through the
use of project datasets.
The HUB in Spain has two very defined functions: The acquisition of training and open data needs by stakeholders and the implementation of ideas and applications for the sector. The vision of the Hub is to provide services for entrepreneurial initiatives based on
the use of OD/LOD and to strengthen the local economy.

Services provided to the Hub members:

  • Technical Seminars focusing on latest development in Open Data
  • Local Technical seminars
  • data as a marketing element
  • Communication based in data
  • Exchange of experiences
  • Facilitation of collaboration between members
  • Trend-scouting (Ideas for innovative projects, concerning Open data use)
  • Promotion of activities (marketing/ visibility)
  • Provision and facilitation of access to training for members of the Data Hub.
  • Innovation Management / Support of innovation processes (internal, external).

Sector of Focus: Green Growth Cultural and Creative Industries

Geographical Scope: National


Creative Commons Attribution

Other Access

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INAGA CAZA Cartografía SIG de Terrenos Cinegéticos de Aragón

Cartografía actualizada de los Límites Oficiales de los Terrenos Cinegéticos y No Cinegéticos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón.
Incorpora asociada a la cartografía información del Registro de Terrenos Cinegéticos (INARTC)

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Aragon, Spain
Creative Commons Attribution
Public Access Level