Design and Launching a Matching Event

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Design and Launching  a Matching Event

  • Thematic: Make entrepreneurs and technology-based developers who offer solutions to the new challenges of urban development by creating innovative applications or services visible.

  • Objectives:

  1. Promote the collaboration between corporates and well stablished SMEs and startups.
  2. Turn every event into a real market where selected startups can make business and synergies with SMEs and corporations.

  3. Contribute to the awareness of the reuse of open DATA among the enterprises.

  • Target: SMEs operating in DATA economy and digital innovation, business support organizations and sectorial agency.

  • Key Topics:

  • Duration: It can be an independent event, or it can take place as part of another event. It is recommended that it take place as one of the activities proposed within the Boot Camp.

  • Methodology:

The Matching Events are a series of same-format international events that take place in different startup hubs across Europe.

The Startup Europe Partnership is open to partner with existing leading national events.

This way local events may:

    • Leverage the existing local network, while SEP helps internationalize/qualify startup deal flow

    • Co-brand exploiting the SEP logo and badge of quality (“a SEP Partner Event”)Access to top notch speakers and best practices re: corporate-startup relationships and corporate venture initiatives

The way of organization follows the same steps as in other events:



Regarding all the organizational details and event format:

  • Contact the SEP (Startup Europe Partnership) in order to seek partnership.
  • Select date and venue.

  • One month to go launch the call for SMEs, corporations and business support organizations. The objetive for the call is at least 30 participants.

  • Launch the website and social media in order to promote the event. The website should include a brief bio and photos of all the participants in order to advanced the

  • Define the schedule and program of the event, which should at least include the following items:

    • PA Opening by the local promoters and SEP in case of partnership agreement.

    • DATA Hubs presentation.

    • HACKATHON presentation: Call, website for registration and thematic of the event.

    • OPEN DATA expert and/or mentor opening motivational speech.

    • Speed tables:

      • The web should include photos and biographies of the participants to start social relations in advance. The social media follow buttons of the participants should be also included. A match button should be added on each participant bio. In that way if two participants make match for each other it is possible to book a speed table in advance.

      • The rest of speed table (not booked in advanced) should take no more than 20 minutes. In that time both participants should be able of introducing their company and show what they do with DATA.

      • Process, techniques, models, tools, and services provided by companies can be showed during the speed table.

      • The timing would be controlled by a chronometer and once time is over, the participants should change the speed table according to their previous agenda or spontaneously.


Assistance during all the matching event implementation.



Activities regarding the reporting and communication:

  • Reporting activities: The matching event final report should include, at least the following items:

    • Date of celebration.

    • Number of participants.

    • Objectives.

    • Main collaborations stablished.

    • Participants and assistants’ feedback.

    • Conclusions.

  • Communication activities in order to positioning the local matching event and gathering the participants feedback.



  • There are some matchmaking apps that can be use such as b2mach (, Brella ( and Sharp (

  • Attendify ( is a tool that enables to create a private social network for an event

  • A technique is to organize speed tables, where some teams are organized to tables and some other are passing though the tables giving the opportunity to communicate in specific time with more teams