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Italy’s Open Data Hub vision is to collect actors and stakeholders interested to support Data Economy, to support municipalities and other Public Administration in the production and sharing of quality dataset as OD/LOD, also by the realization and sharing of a specific information kit, to provide services for entrepreneurial initiatives based on the use of OD/LOD and to strengthen the local economy. Also to provide services to citizens, to SME’s/ start ups, researchers.

Services provided to the Hub members:

  • Technical Seminars focusing on latest development in Open Data
  • Local Capacity building training seminars
  • Local Technical seminars
  • Funding opportunities (also related to ERDF ROP of Veneto Region)
  • International events

Sector of Focus: Green Growth, Cultural and Creative Industries

Geographical Scope: Regional


Creative Commons Attribution

Other Access

The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


via the DKAN API

Arpa Piemonte - Evento alluvionale 13-16 ottobre 2000 - Torrente Orco (settore di pianura e di montagna)

Dati presenti sulla carta Campo di inondazione ed effetti indotti dalla piena del 13-16/10/2000 - Torrente Orco, tratto compreso tra Courgne` e la confluenza nel fiume Po (settore di pianura) e tratto compreso tra Ceresole e Pont Canavese (settore di montagna). Fonte dati originali. Questa copertura numerica rappresenta l'originale d'autore. Il dataset si compone dei seguenti strati informativi: Altezze idrometriche, Aree estrattive interessate dall'evento, Elementi morfologici - Aree, Elementi morfologici - Linee, Canali e deflussi superficiali, Opere, Sezioni C.T.R. fotointerpretate, Tipo di deposito, Viabilita`/Infrastrutture danneggiate, Ambiti di rilevamento suddivisi per autore.

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Piemont, Italy
Creative Commons Attribution
Public Access Level